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Use of the QRS has been proven safe and effective in Europe and Australia. As yet, no medical claims are made or implied concerning use or application in the United States.

imagine the possibilities


Click on a picture to learn more about each product. Please go to Try QRS if you want to rent or buy QRS products.

QRS-101 Home System
The QRS-101 Home System is our standard and most used system. It consists of a Treatment Mat, Small Pillow, Control Unit QRS-101 Home, and the Home Card. East to setup and use.
  QRS-201 Mobile
The QRS-201 Mobile is a battery operated version of the QRS-101 Home Control Unit with a built-in Feedback Sensor and electromagnetic field emitter. Includes a connection for other applicators. Ideal while travelling.

  QRS Magnetic Field Pen
The QRS Pen is designed to treat very specific areas of the body, such as the ear. The pen is used in combination with the QRS-101 Home System or QRS-201 Mobile System and is sold separately.
QRS Magnetic Field Tester
The MF Tester shows you that there is a magnetic field being emitted from your QRS Applicator, when operated.
QRS Carrying Bag

The QRS Carrying Bag is available to assist in the portability of your QRS products.

Read more about Magnetic Therapy and Electromagnetic Field Therapy in specific.